August 7, 2017
Researchers employ SAH technology to speed up multiplication of cassava planting materials
Scientists working on cassava breeding are now using the Semi-Autotrophic Hydroponics (SAH) technology to rev up the propagation of clean cassava planting materials. The SAH involves the use of modified soil which holds plant roots...
Cassava: Over 100 trained as spray service providers
Close to a hundred people have trained as spray service providers on herbicides application, safety and use in Abia state, Nigeria. The training, which came at the onset of cassava planting season, was conducted by...
IITA Trains 105 Spray Service Providers On Cassava Weed Management
The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture led Cassava Weed Management Project has trained 105 spray service providers on herbicides application, safety and use in Abia state. The training, which came at the onset of cassava...