Promoting and facilitating the use of AKILIMO tools will take center stage for ACAI project activities across Nigeria and Tanzania in 2020. This is after the ACAI coordinating team of IITA staff met in Nairobi for a planning retreat in January.

Top on the agenda of the meeting was to speed up the development of and implementation of the scaling strategy and the tools needed to advance the process. The weeklong event included a status review of field research activities, status of the AKILIMO app development and cassava agronomy content integration for digital partners.

Tools being developed for dissemination activities were reviewed and earmarked for revisions and completion whenever necessary. 2020 is the final year of the project implementation after 5 years of intensive research and development of the AKILIMO decision support tools. ACAI project was designed to address the cassava agronomy knowledge gap and improve cassava production in sub Saharan Africa. ACAI core team meet every January to draw a joint annual calendar of events in what has become a goal setting trend geared toward achieving the overall project objectives.

An exhaustive list of deliverables was developed with delegated roles for what in store for the year 2020. Look out for our AKILIMO weekly updates to keep up with what is happening in the cassava agronomy sphere.